DIIZCHE SAFARI ADVENTURES is committed to improve both the knowledge base and skills of big-game hunters through our published media while promoting the safe use of firearms and fostering wildlife conservation. Visit our website at www.DiizcheSafariAdventures.com for links to follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. To my friends and customers from around the world, thank you very much for your continued business.
Friday, July 14, 2017
DVD Now Available! Where Tracks Lead
This DVD for the Big Four (no rhino) is set in Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. It is interesting to see the varied terrain in these countries, some of it very densely vegetated, some of it open, but in all cases game rich.
Some of the hunts on this DVD are with double rifles, most with bolt actions; some are father-and-son hunts; and some are single individuals. The thread that links them is the big game of Africa they all desire to hunt: Cape buffalo, elephant, lion, hippo, and leopard. Sometimes the game is right there only a few hundred yards after leaving the road, and sometimes it takes hours and even days of tracking to find the right trophy, but in all cases each episode ends in a successful hunt. No time is wasted on impalas and springbucks, so if you like claws, teeth, horns, and tusks, you will find them in this DVD.
Check here for more information or to order!